Companion to Modern and Contemporary Latin American and Latino Art
Ph.D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology
B.Curvation. Universidad de Los Andes, Merida, Venezuela
- Research Areas
Modern and contemporary Latin American art and compages; Art and architectural networks betwixt Latin Europe and Latin America; The Global South; Theories of architecture and urbanism; Ecology and race; Discourses and narratives of nature; Intersections of science, compages and politics.
Adopting a transnational and interdisciplinary perspective, Fabiola López-Durán'southward enquiry and instruction focuses on the history and theory of modern and gimmicky European and Latin American art and architecture. Her new book, Eugenics in the Garden: Transatlantic Architecture and the Crafting of Modernity, investigates a particular strain of eugenics that, at the plough of the twentieth century, moved from the realms of medicine and police force to design, compages, and urban planning—becoming a critical instrument in the crafting of modernity. Her work analyzes the cross-pollination of ideas and mediums—science, politics and aesthetics—that informed the procedure of modernization on both sides of the Atlantic, with an accent on Latin America.
Originally trained as an builder, López-Durán earned her Ph.D in the History, Theory, and Criticism of Compages and Art from Massachusetts Found of Engineering science (MIT). Prior to joining the Rice University faculty, she was the 2009-2011 Mellon Postdoctoral Swain in the Humanities at the Department of History of Art at University of California-Berkeley. Her awards include fellowships from the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation, Dedalus Foundation, CLIR, Harvard Center for European Studies, Camargo Foundation, Samuel H. Kress Foundation and the Fulbright Plan. She has more recently been recognized past the Society of Architectural Historians with a SAH/Mellon Author Accolade for her 2018 book, Eugenics in the Garden. Her work has been published in Europe, Asia, Southward America and the United States.
- Selected Manufactures and Essays
"A Clinical Landscape: Crafting the Healthy (Re)Productive Torso in Mod Argentina." In Landscapes for Sport: Histories of Physical Practise, Sport, and Health (Dumbarton Oaks / Harvard Academy Press), edited by Sonja Dümpelmann, forthcoming 2022.
"Architectural Modernism and Its Discontents: Brazil and Beyond." In A Companion to Modernistic and Contemporary Latin American & Latino Fine art (Blackwell Companions to Art History Series), edited by Alejandro Anreus, Robin Greeley, Megan Sullivan. Oxford: Blackwell, 2021.
"Meat-Milieu: Medicalization, Aestheticization and Productivity in Buenos Aires and its Pampas, 1868-1950." Urban History, vol. 45. (2018): 253-274. With Nikki Moore.
"Sobre o Fragmento" in Cárceres a duas vozes: Giovanni Battista Piranesi e Ana Maria Tavares. Edited by Jorge Schwartz. São Paulo: Museu Laser Segal, 2017, fifty-67. With Philip Kelleher
"From France to Brazil and Back: Le Corbusier, Nature and the Ideal Human being Type, 1925-1946." In Across Time and Space: The Politics of Architecture and Modernity, edited past Patrick Haughey. New Brunswick/London: Transaction Publishers, 2016, 159-174. With Nikki Moore.
"Utopía en práctica: eugenesia y naturaleza en la construcción de ciudad moderna latinoamericana," in Utopías urbanas: geopolíticas del deseo en América Latina, ed. by Gisela Heffes (Madrid, Spain/Frankfurt, Federal republic of germany: Vervuert Verlag, 2013). [Spanish Edition]
"Justification A Priori: Scientific discipline and Aesthetics in the Work of Gustavo Diaz" (with Julie Knutson) in Justification A Priori: Science and Aesthetics in the Work of Gustavo Diaz. Exhibition Catalogue. Chicago: The Mission, 2012.
López-Durán, Fabiola. "La machine, le fossile et le jardin: identité et mimétisme dans l'architecture d'Hérault-Arnod." In Nature, Corp, Peau: Architectures de Hérault-Arnod, edited by Isabel Hérault. Paris, France: Editions Norma, 2010, 216-233.
"Ut-opiates: Rethinking Nature" (with Nikki Moore), Architectural Design, vol. eighty, (November-December 2010).
"La machine, le fossile et le jardin: identité et mimétisme dans 50'architecture d'Hérault-Arnod" in Nature, Torso, Skin; Architectures past Hérault-Arnod, ed. by Isabel Hérault (Paris, French republic: Editions Norma, 2010) [French and English language Edition]
"The Machine, the Fossil, and the Garden: Identity and Mimicry in the Architecture of Hérault-Arnod" in Nature, Body, Peel; Architectures by Hérault-Arnod. ed. past Isabel Hérault (Dalian, China: A&J International Design Media Limited, 2009) [Chinese and English language Edition].
FV. au 18 Rue Antoine Bourdelle (with Nikki Moore). Exhibition Catalogue. Paris, France: Editions Paris-Musées, 2006 [French Edition].
Felice Varini. Points of View. Baden, Switzerland: Lars Müller Publishers, 2004. (English Edition) Also published as López-Durán, Fabiola. Felice Varini. Points de Vue. Baden, Switzerland: Lars Müller Publishers, 2004. (French Edition)
"La Seducción de la Polaridad" in Lo Optico y lo Háptico. Obras y proyectos de Enrique Larrañaga y Vilma Obadía. Exhibition Catalogue (Caracas: Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Caracas Sofía Imber, 1998).
"Metropólis" (with Lorenzo Gonzalez Casas), Edificar, no. iv-5, Mérida: CEHAAV-Universidad de los Andes, 1999.
"Hábitos de Museos: El Palacio Federal Legislativo" (with Nydia Gutierrez), Edificar No.ii, Mérida: CEHAAV-Universidad de los Andes, 1997.
Construir con Tierra: Manual de autogestión para la construcción de viviendas en el Estado Miranda (with Luis Alfonso López). Los Teques: Fundación para el Desarrollo Social / IVI, 1997.
"Un lugar, cuatro arquitectos," "Cuatro temas para cuatro maneras de hacer arquitectura" and vii catalogue entries in Fabiola López-Durán (ed.), Un Lugar, Cuatro Arquitectos (Caracas: Pro Helvetia-Arts Council of Switzerland - Fundación Museo de Bellas Artes, 1995).
- Selected Awards and Honors
2020 - Race and Anti-Racism Research Fund Award for "The Racial Geography Project." Rice University'due south Chore Force on Slavery, Segregation and Racial Injustice [Atomic number 82 Pl: Fabiola López-Durán], 2020-2022. >
2019 - The Robert Motherwell Book Prize, Outstanding Book on Modernism in the Arts, past The Dedalus Foundation, for the book Eugenics in the Garden: Transatlantic Architecture and the Crafting of Modernity (University of Texas Press, 2018).
2018 - Kinesthesia Teaching and Mentoring Award, given past the Graduate Students Association (Co-winner with Professor Ashutosh Sabharwal, School of Engineering)
2017 - SAH-Mellon Author Award, given by the Order of Architectural Historians and the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation for the volume Eugenics in the Garden: Transatlantic Architecture and the Crafting of Modernity (University of Texas Press, 2018).
2015 - Sophia Meyer Farb - Phi Beta Kappa Distinguished Didactics Award (Winner)
2014 - Sophia Meyer Farb - Phi Beta Kappa Distinguished Didactics Award (Finalist)
2013 - Humanities Research Centre Faculty Fellowship. Rice University.
2009-2011 - Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship in the Humanities. University of California-Berkeley.
2009 - Mellon/ACLS Recent Doctoral Recipients Fellowship (Declined)
2008-2009 - Charlotte Due west. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship. The Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation.
2008-2009 - Dedalus Foundation Dissertation Honour (Modern Art and Modernism)
2008 - Samuel H. Kress Foundation Travel Fellowship in the History of Fine art
2007-2008 - CLIR Mellon Dissertation Fellowship for Research in Original Sources
2008 - The Camargo Foundation Fellowship. Cassis, France.
2008 - The MIT-French republic Fellowship, Massachusetts Institute of Engineering science.
2007 - The Harvard Center for European Studies Graduate Grant, Harvard University.
2007 - The Schlossman Research Award 2007. Massachusetts Found of Technology.
2006 - The MIT Regal Fund. Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
2005 - Hyzen Travel Grant. Massachusetts Institute of Engineering science.
2004 - CCA Canadian Center for Architecture Research Fellowship
2002-2004 - Fulbright Fellowship
- Books
Dutta, Arindam, Ateya Khorakiwala, Ayala Levin, Ijlal Muzaffar, and Fabiola López-Durán, eds. Architecture in Development: Systems and the Emergence of the Global South. London (UK): Routledge, forthcoming 2022
Eugenics in the Garden: Transatlantic Compages and the Crafting of Modernity (Austin: University of Texas Press, 2018)
Felice Varini: Points of View, Correspondent with author Felice Varini (Zurich: Lars Müller Publishers, 2004)
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