How Do I Get the Home Page Ms to Show Up Green Again

Fault screen displayed after a fatal system fault on a reckoner running Microsoft Windows or ReactOS

A blue screen of death (BSoD), officially known as a stop fault or blue screen error,[1] is an error screen that the Windows operating organisation displays in the event of a fatal organization mistake. Information technology indicates a system crash, in which the operating system has reached a critical condition where information technology tin no longer operate safely, eastward.yard., hardware failure or an unexpected termination of a crucial process.

History [edit]

Blue screen on Windows 1.01

The "Wrong DOS Version" screen on Windows i.01/ii.03, featuring random characters[2]

External video

YouTube logo

The "Wrong Dos Version" screen on Windows i.01, featuring random characters

video icon Windows ane.0 BSOD (Wrong DOS Version): Brusque version, showing a failed Windows startup
video icon Windows one.01 Blueish Screen of Expiry: Long version, showing installation DOS 6, Windows ane.01, and the failed startup of Windows i.01

Blueish error screens have been effectually since the beta version of Windows 1.0; if Windows found a newer DOS version than information technology expected, it would generate a blue screen with white text maxim "Incorrect DOS version", before starting unremarkably.[2] In the final release (version 1.01), all the same, this screen prints random characters every bit a result of bugs in the Windows logo lawmaking.[2] Information technology is non a crash screen, either; upon crashing, Windows i.0 either locks up or exits to DOS.

Windows 3.0 uses a text-mode screen for displaying important system messages, usually from digital device drivers in 386 Enhanced Fashion or other situations where a program could not run. Windows changed the color of this screen from black to blue. Windows iii.1 as well displays a blue screen when the user presses the Ctrl+Alt+Delete key combination while no programs were unresponsive. As with information technology predecessors, Windows 3.x exits to DOS if an error condition is severe enough.

The original BSoD from Windows NT

The first bluish screen of death appeared in Windows NT three.ane[3] (the offset version of the Windows NT family, released in 1993) and all Windows operating systems released afterwards. In its primeval version, the error started with ***STOP:. Hence, information technology became known as a "stop error."

BSoDs can be acquired by poorly written device drivers or malfunctioning hardware,[4] such equally faulty memory, power supply problems, overheating of components, or hardware running beyond its specification limits. In the Windows 9x era, incompatible DLLs or bugs in the operating organisation kernel could also cause BSoDs.[5] Because of the instability and lack of memory protection in Windows 9x, BSoDs were much more common.

Incorrect attribution [edit]

On September 4, 2014, several online journals, including Business concern Insider,[6] DailyTech,[7] Engadget,[8] Gizmodo,[9] Lifehacker,[10] Neowin,[11] Softpedia,[12] TechSpot,[xiii] The Register,[fourteen] and The Verge [15] incorrectly attributed the creation of the Bluish Screen of Death to Steve Ballmer, Microsoft's former CEO, citing an article by Microsoft employee Raymond Chen, entitled "Who wrote the text for the Ctrl+Alt+Del dialog [sic] in Windows 3.1?".[sixteen] The article focused on the cosmos of the get-go rudimentary task managing director in Windows three.x, which shared visual similarities with a BSoD.[16] In a follow-up on September nine, 2014, Raymond Chen complained almost this widespread mistake, claimed responsibility for revising the BSoD in Windows 95 and panned for having "entirely fabricated a scenario and posited it as existent".[17] Engadget later updated its commodity to right the fault.[8]

Formats [edit]

BSoDs originally showed silver text on a royal blue background with information about current memory values and register values. Starting with Windows Server 2012 (released in September 2012), Windows adopted a cerulean background. Windows 11 initially used a black background, simply starting from build number 22000.348,[18] switched to a dark blue background.[19] Preview builds of Windows 10, Windows 11, and Windows Server (available from the Windows Insider program) feature a dark green groundwork instead of a blue one.[xx] [21] [eighteen] Windows 3.1, 95, and 98 support customizing the colour of the screen.[22] In the Windows NT family, even so, the color is hard-coded.[22]

Windows 95, 98 and ME render their BSoDs in the fourscore×25 text style. BSoDs in the Windows NT family initially used the fourscore×l text way on a 720×400 screen. Windows XP, Vista and 7 BSoDs use the 640×480 screen resolution and the Lucida Console font. Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 use Segoe UI. On UEFI machines, their BSoDs utilise the highest screen resolution bachelor. On with legacy BIOS machines, past default, they apply 1024×768, but they can be configured to use the highest resolution available (via the 'highestmode' parameter in Boot Configuration Information).[23] Windows x, versions 1607 and later, uses the aforementioned format as Windows 8, just has a QR code which leads to a Microsoft Support web folio that tries to troubleshoot the event step-by-step.

Windows NT [edit]

The Blue screen of death on Windows 8 and 8.1.

The Blue Screen of Death in Windows 8/8.1, which includes a sad emoticon and an Cyberspace search for quick troubleshooting

The blueish screen of death in Windows xi builds prior to 22000.348, which was blackness except for the QR code

In the Windows NT family unit of operating systems, the bluish screen of death (referred to as "problems check" in the Windows software evolution kit and driver development kit documentation) occurs when the kernel or a driver running in kernel mode encounters an error from which information technology cannot recover. This is usually acquired past an illegal operation being performed. The only safety action the operating organization can take in this state of affairs is to restart the computer. As a result, information may exist lost, equally users are not given an opportunity to save it.

The text on the error screen contains the code of the error and its symbolic proper noun (e.thou. "0x0000001E, KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED") along with four error-dependent values in parentheses that are there to help software engineers fix the problem that occurred. Depending on the error code, it may brandish the address where the trouble occurred, along with the commuter which is loaded at that accost. Under Windows NT, the second and third sections of the screen may comprise information on all loaded drivers and a stack dump, respectively. The driver data is in three columns; the kickoff lists the base address of the driver, the second lists the driver's creation appointment (as a Unix timestamp), and the 3rd lists the name of the driver.[24]By default, Windows will create a memory dump file when a end error occurs. Depending on the Os version, there may be several formats this tin exist saved in, ranging from a 64kB "minidump" (introduced in Windows 2000) to a "complete dump" which is finer a re-create of the unabridged contents of concrete retentivity (RAM). The resulting retentivity dump file may exist debugged later, using a kernel debugger. For Windows, WinDBG or KD debuggers from Debugging Tools for Windows are used.[25] A debugger is necessary to obtain a stack trace, and may exist required to ascertain the true cause of the trouble; every bit the data on-screen is limited and thus perhaps misleading, it may hide the true source of the error. Past default, Windows XP is configured to salvage just a 64kB minidump when it encounters a stop error, and to then automatically reboot the figurer. Because this procedure happens very quickly, the blue screen may be seen simply for an instant or not at all. Users accept sometimes noted this as a random reboot rather than a traditional cease error, and are only enlightened of an outcome afterwards Windows reboots and displays a notification that information technology has recovered from a serious error. This happens just when the computer has a role chosen "Motorcar Restart" enabled, which tin exist disabled in the Control Console which in plough shows the cease error.

Microsoft Windows tin also be configured to send alive debugging information to a kernel debugger running on a separate computer. If a stop fault is encountered while a live kernel debugger is attached to the system, Windows volition halt execution and cause the debugger to break in, rather than displaying the BSoD. The debugger can then be used to examine the contents of memory and determine the source of the problem.

A BSoD tin also be caused past a critical kicking loader error, where the operating organization is unable to access the kicking partition due to incorrect storage drivers, a damaged file system or similar issues. The error code in this situation is Finish 0x0000007B (INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE).[26] In such cases, at that place is no memory dump saved. Since the organization is unable to kick from the hard drive in this situation, correction of the problem ofttimes requires using the repair tools found on the Windows installation disc.

Details [edit]

Before Windows Server 2012, each BSoD displayed an error name in uppercase ( thousand. APC_INDEX_MISMATCH), a hexadecimal error number (due east.g. 0x00000001) and four parameters. The final two are shown together in the post-obit format:[27]

fault lawmaking (parameter 1, parameter ii, parameter iii, parameter 4) error name

Depending on the error number and its nature, all, some, or even none of the parameters contain information pertaining to what went wrong, and/or where it happened. In addition, the fault screens showed four paragraphs of full general explanation and advice and may have included other technical data such the file name of the culprit and memory addresses.

With the release of Windows Server 2012, the BSoD was changed, removing all of the above in favor of the error name, and a curtailed clarification. Windows eight added a sad-emoticon (except on its Japanese version). The hexadecimal fault lawmaking and parameters tin can still exist found in the Windows Event Log or in retentiveness dumps. Since Windows 10 Build 14393, the screen features a QR code for quick troubleshooting. Windows 10 Build 19041 slightly changed the text from "Your PC ran into a problem" to "Your device ran into a trouble".

Windows 9x [edit]

Windows 9x is a community nickname for Windows 95, 98, and ME, even though the latter'south name doesn't match the nickname'south design. The operating systems oftentimes feel BSoD, the main mode for virtual device drivers to report errors to the user. Windows 9x's version of BSoD, internally referred to as "_VWIN32_FaultPopup", gives the user the pick either to restart the computer or to continue using Windows. This beliefs is in contrast with the Windows NT BSoD, which prevents the user from using the calculator until it has been powered off.

The most common BSoD is an 80×25 screen which is the operating organisation's mode of reporting an interrupt caused by a processor exception; information technology is a more serious form of the general protection fault dialog boxes. The memory address of the error is given and the error blazon is a hexadecimal number from 00 to 11 (0 to 17 decimal). The mistake codes are as follows:[28]

  • 00: Division mistake
  • 01: Startup Error
  • 02: Not-Maskable Interrupt
  • 03: Shutdown Error
  • 04: Overflow Trap
  • 05: Bounds Check Error
  • 06: Invalid Opcode Fault
  • 07: "Coprocessor Non Available" Fault
  • 08: Double Fault
  • 09: Coprocessor Segment Overrun
  • 0A: Invalid Chore Country Segment Mistake
  • 0B: Not Present Fault
  • 0C: Stack Error
  • 0D: Full general Protection Error
  • 0E: Page Fault
  • 0F: Mistake Bulletin Limit Exceed
  • 10: Coprocessor Error Fault
  • 11: Alignment Check Fault

Reasons for BSoDs include:

  • Problems that occur with incompatible versions of DLLs: Windows loads these DLLs into memory when they are needed by application programs; if versions are changed, the side by side time an application loads the DLL it may be different from what the awarding expects. These incompatibilities increase over time every bit more new software is installed, and is one of the master reasons why a freshly installed copy of Windows is more stable than an "old" 1.
  • Faulty or poorly written device drivers
  • Hardware incompatibilities

Damaged hardware may also crusade a BSoD.

In Windows 95 and 98, a BSoD occurs when the system attempts to access the file "c:\con\con","c:\aux\aux",or"c:\prn\prn" on the hard drive. This could be inserted on a website to crash visitors' machines. On 16 March 2000, Microsoft released a security update to resolve this issue.[29]

1 famous instance of a Windows 9x BSoD occurred during a presentation of a Windows 98 beta given by Bill Gates at COMDEX on April twenty, 1998: The demo PC crashed with a BSoD when his assistant, Chris Capossela, connected a scanner to the PC to demonstrate Windows 98's back up for Plug and Play devices. This event brought thunderous applause from the crowd and Gates replied (after a nervous pause): "That must be why we're not aircraft Windows 98 yet."[xxx]

Windows CE [edit]

The simplest version of the blueish screen occurs in Windows CE (except in Pocket PC 2000 and Pocket PC 2002). The blue screen in Windows CE iii.0 is similar to the one in Windows NT.

Gallery [edit]

Similar screens [edit]

Stop errors are comparable to kernel panics in macOS, Linux, and other Unix-like systems, and to bugchecks in OpenVMS. Windows 3.1, similar some versions of macOS, displays a Black Screen of Death instead of a bluish one.[17] [31] Windows 98 displays a scarlet error screen raised by the Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) when the host estimator'southward BIOS encounters a problem.[32] The bootloader of the beginning beta version of Windows Vista too displays a cherry-red mistake screen in the event of a kicking failure.[33] [34] [35] The Xbox One has a Green Screen of Death instead of the blue one.[ commendation needed ]

Equally mentioned earlier, the insider builds of Windows Server 2016 and later on, Windows 10, and Windows 11 display a green screen.[xx] [21] [18]

In some situations, on Linux Mint, overuse of the computer may trigger, in which a loud Jump scare noise plays, as well as a random colour replacing the screen. After this occurs, simply sleep mode tin can plough off the figurer, although afterward, it reboots equally if it was powered down.

See too [edit]

  • Screens of death
    • Guru Meditation
    • Kernel panic
    • Purple Screen of Death
    • Sad Mac
    • Black screen of expiry
  • Ruddy Ring of Decease
  • Game over

References [edit]

  1. ^ "Troubleshoot blue screen errors". Support. Microsoft. 10 April 2019. Archived from the original on 20 September 2020.
  2. ^ a b c "Why does Windows 1.01 crash at the splash screen?". Retro Computing. 30 Baronial 2021. In the final release of Windows, these detailed letters were hastily removed. The code that would impress them, notwithstanding, was non, and this is what produces the garbage output.
  3. ^ Chen, Raymond (September 26, 2017). "Who implemented the Windows NT blue screen of expiry?". Microsoft. Retrieved October i, 2021.
  4. ^ Wilson, Michelle (July 25, 2019). "What is the Blueish Screen of Death in Windows 10 and How to Prepare it?". HP. Retrieved October 1, 2021.
  5. ^ Cepero, Robert (May 17, 2019). "Blueish Screen of Death: Causes and Fixes". Bleuwire. Retrieved Oct 1, 2021.
  6. ^ Smith, Dave (four September 2014). "Steve Ballmer Wrote The Blue Screen Of Death". Business Insider. Business organisation Insider Inc. Archived from the original on 8 September 2014. Retrieved 10 September 2014.
  7. ^ Mick, Jason (iv September 2014). "Microsoft Exec Reveals Steve Ballmer Created Original Blue Screen of Expiry Bulletin". Daily Tech. DailyTech LLC. Archived from the original on 2015-08-twenty. Retrieved x September 2014.
  8. ^ a b Fingas, Jon (4 September 2014). "Steve Ballmer wrote Windows' first Ctrl-Alt-Delete bulletin (updated)". Engadget. AOL. Archived from the original on 9 September 2014. Retrieved 10 September 2014.
  9. ^ Condliffe, Jamie (4 September 2014). "Steve Ballmer Wrote the Blueish Screen of Death". Gizmodo. Gizmodo Media Group. Archived from the original on 11 September 2014. Retrieved 10 September 2014.
  10. ^ Kidman, Alex (5 September 2014). "Steve Ballmer Wrote The BSOD, So Stop Slacking Off". Lifehacker. Attraction Media. Archived from the original on 10 September 2014. Retrieved 10 September 2014.
  11. ^ Sams, Brad (iv September 2014). "Steve Ballmer wrote the BSOD text". Neowin. Neowin LLC. Archived from the original on 8 September 2014. Retrieved 10 September 2014.
  12. ^ Popa, Bogdan (four September 2014). "Steve Ballmer Himself Created the Get-go Blueish Screen of Death Text". Softpedia. SoftNews SRL. Archived from the original on ten September 2014. Retrieved 10 September 2014.
  13. ^ Schiesser, Tim (4 September 2014). "The original Blue Screen of Death was written past Steve Ballmer". TechSpot. Archived from the original on 10 September 2014. Retrieved ten September 2014.
  14. ^ Sharwood, Simon (4 September 2014). "Ballmer PERSONALLY wrote Windows' Blue Screen of Decease text". The Register. Archived from the original on 8 September 2014. Retrieved 10 September 2014.
  15. ^ Warren, Tom (4 September 2014). "Steve Ballmer wrote the Blueish Screen of Death message". The Verge. Vocalism Media. Archived from the original on 7 September 2014. Retrieved 10 September 2014.
  16. ^ a b Chen, Raymond (2 September 2014). "Who wrote the text for the Ctrl+Alt+Del dialog in Windows 3.ane?". The Erstwhile New Matter. Microsoft. Archived from the original on xv November 2020. Retrieved thirteen Nov 2020.
  17. ^ a b Chen, Raymond (9 September 2014). "Steve Ballmer did not write the text for the bluish screen of decease". The Former New Thing. Microsoft. Archived from the original on 25 October 2020. Retrieved 13 November 2020.
  18. ^ a b c Warren, Tom (1 July 2021). "Microsoft'southward Bluish Screen of Death is changing to black in Windows 11". The Verge. Vocalization Media. Retrieved 2 July 2021. While Microsoft is switching to a Blackness Screen of Decease in Windows xi, the screen is identical to the 1 institute in Windows 10 otherwise. The sad confront remains, as does the terminate lawmaking and crash dump. The electric current preview of Windows eleven includes a green BSOD, a colour that Microsoft has been using for Windows Insider builds since 2016.
  19. ^ Klotz, Aaron (23 November 2021). "Windows eleven Update Makes BSOD Blue Once more and Fixes Major File Explorer Bugs". Tom's Hardware.
  20. ^ a b Williams, Wayne (29 Dec 2016). "Behold the Windows 10 GSOD -- Green Screen of Death". BetaNews. Archived from the original on 2017-01-12.
  21. ^ a b Warren, Tom (29 December 2016). "Windows 10 testers will now get a Dark-green Screen of Decease". The Verge. Vox Media. Archived from the original on ane January 2017.
  22. ^ a b Seely, Scott (2000). Windows Shell Programming. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall PTR. pp. 232–233. ISBN9780130254962. OCLC 44090524. BSOD stands for Blue Screen Of Death. One can customize the colors of this screen past setting a couple of variables in the 386Enh section of Organization.INI: MessageTextColor and MessageBackColor. The user tin can but customize the BSOD under Windows 3.i, 95, and 98. These changes do not work under the Windows NT variants.
  23. ^ Graff, Eliot; Marshall, Don (15 Dec 2021). "BCDEdit /set - Windows drivers". Windows Hardware Developer. Microsoft. Archived from the original on 25 Dec 2020 – via Microsoft Docs.
  24. ^ Microsoft Windows NT Workstation Resource Kit (1st ed.). Redmond, WA: Microsoft Printing. 29 October 1996. ISBN1-57231-343-ix.
  25. ^ DOMARS. "Getting Started with WinDbg (Kernel-Mode)". Archived from the original on 14 March 2016. Retrieved 15 June 2018.
  26. ^ "End mistake code 0x0000007B (INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE)". back 2018-04-17. Archived from the original on 2021-03-28. Retrieved 2020-01-16 .
  27. ^ "Cease: 0x00000001 (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) APC_INDEX_MIS". Archived from the original on 15 June 2018. Retrieved 15 June 2018.
  28. ^ "What Are Fatal Exception Errors". Support. Microsoft. xix January 2007. Archived from the original on 23 August 2003. Retrieved 16 Oct 2013.
  29. ^ Microsoft Corporation (2000). "Patch Available for "DOS Device in Path Name" Vulnerability". TechNet. Microsoft. Archived from the original on thirty Baronial 2011. Retrieved four March 2006.
  30. ^ Garmon, Jay (12 Apr 2007). "Video: Nib Gates, meet the Blue Screen of Decease". TechRepublic. CBS Interactive. Archived from the original on 15 February 2022. Retrieved 15 February 2022.
  31. ^ David W. Martin (6 August 2011). "Black Screen Of Death Plagues Some Mac Users After Panthera leo Update". Archived from the original on 28 August 2018. Retrieved 27 August 2018.
  32. ^ "Advanced Configuration and Power Interface Errors on Red Screen". Support (1.3 ed.). Microsoft. 10 January 2015. Archived from the original on 25 July 2015.
  33. ^ Kaplan, Michael (7 May 2005). "Longhorn on Virtual PC 2004". Sorting it all Out. Microsoft. Archived from the original on three Jan 2013.
  34. ^ Best, Jo (xi May 2005). "Red screen of death?". CNET. CBS Interactive. Archived from the original on nine August 2011. Retrieved 9 September 2013.
  35. ^ Farrell, Nick (iii June 2005). "Microsoft sees red over blue screen of death". The Inquirer. Incisive Media. Archived from the original on 25 August 2009. Retrieved ix September 2013. {{cite web}}: CS1 maint: unfit URL (link)

External links [edit]

  • Problems Bank check Code Reference
  • SysInternals BlueScreen Screen Saver v3.2
  • Bluish Screen of Death on MalWiki


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