Naruto Fanfiction Where Naruto Doesn't Go to the Chunin Exam

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Gaara x Reader

"You" are actually my OC. I made her specifically for this story. I decided to make it an 'x Reader', so my OC is you, technically.

Name: Fukuyama, Misa (Last, First)

Best Friends: Uzumaki, Naruto; Shida, Yui

Hair: Medium length, dark brown, bangs clipped to side; Eyes: Brown; Skin: Pale; Village: Konohagakure; Headband: Around neck; Weapon: Scythe, Ninja Tools; Height: Average; Age 16

Team: Addams, Kane; Shida, Yui.
Yui Shida: Hair: Short length, half of hair in pigtails, lavender, hair-length bangs; Eyes: Purple; Skin: Pale; Village: Konohagakure; Headband: Around waist; Weapon: Sword, Ninja Tools; Height: Short; Age 16

Kane Addams: Hair: Short length, Spiked up, black; Eyes: light blue; Skin: Pale; Village: Konohagakure; Headband: Around head; Weapon: Hidden blades, Ninja Tools; Height: Tall; Age 16

Okay, I just described Misa (You/OC) and her teammates.

In here, it is around the time of Chunin exams. They are all 16 in this, though, not 12 or 13 like they were in the original series exams. In here, pretend it is normal to be a Genin until you are like… 18… okay? Okay.

I do not own Naruto, but I own Misa, Yui, and Kane.

Chapter 1: The Chunin Exams – 6-Man-Team

Continue reading!

You were walking down the streets in Suna, the hidden sand village. Lady Tsunade had sent you there on a mission, and you were returning to Konoha. You weren't paying attention, when all of a sudden you walked into a wall of sand. You stared at it confused.. 'What was this all about? Where did it come from?'

The sand moved and revealed a boy with red hair staring at you. You watched as the sand vanished into a gourd on the boy's back.

You looked at him. He had beautiful eyes… They were a light greenish blue color. It looked as if he were wearing very thick black eyeliner and mascara. But it looked really good with his pale skin and red hair. He was actually.. Pretty cute

You smiled at him. "That was so cool… Did you do that?" you said. She didn't receive a reply, just a low growl from the boy.
"Well, um.. Sorry? For running into your sand..?" you said a little confused.

The red-haired boy just stared at you, confused.

"Gaara!" a voice called. You turned your head and saw a girl with blonde hair pulled up into four parts, along with a man wearing black, with strange cat ears on his hood. His face was covered in purple face paint.

You looked back at the red-haired kid in front of you. 'Gaara.. Where have I heard that name before… Ah! I remember now! Someone said something about a monster called 'Sabaku no Gaara'… I heard that sand follows him everywhere. He's apparently a 'merciless killer'… But I don't see it, he seems nice,' you think, looking at the boy.

Gaara looked at his siblings who were running toward him.

"Well, I have to go, so bye!" you shouted, running off, right past him.

Gaara stared as you ran. 'She seems… different… Why wasn't she afraid of me? And… Why didn't I want to kill her?' he thought, watching you run off, without taking his eyes off of you, until you were out of sight.

The blonde girl wondered who you were, but didn't dare ask. "Gaara. The chunin exams are coming up. They are being held in Konoha."

Gaara simply nodded. "Okay. Let's go, Temari, Kankuro," he said, remembering you wore a leaf headband.


When you made it back to the leaf village, you went to the Hokage tower to report back. When you got to the Hokage's office, you walked in. You saw team 7, Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke. Sakura is kind of annoying, and Sasuke doesn't really talk to you, but Naruto is like your best friend.

You smiled at them, and Tsunade, the Hokage, looked at you, waiting for you to speak.

"Oh. Um. The mission went fine, Lady Hokage-sama," you said politely, "there were no issues."
The Hokage nodded, and you and your friends both left.

Team 7 just got back from a mission they've been on since you left for Suna.

"Hey, guys," you said as you walked out of the Hokage tower, "I heard the Chunin exams are coming up. Are you three going to participate?"

Sakura looked at you, confused. "Chunin exams?"

"What are the Chunin exams?" Naruto asked, loudly, jumping in front of you.

You stopped walking, and so did Sakura and Sasuke. "Every Genin takes the Chunin exams to become a Chunin."

Naruto smiled, big and brightly. "Awesome!! I wanna go!" he shouted.

You smiled. "Well, Sasuke and Cotton Candy are gonna have to go, too, then," you said, smirking at Sakura.

"Quit calling me Cotton Candy!" she shouted angrily, causing you to laugh. Sasuke smirked at that comment… He didn't like Sakura. She was too annoying and obsessed with him.

Naruto turned toward Sasuke and Sakura. "Let's take the Chunin exams!" he shouted excitedly.

Sasuke nodded slightly and Sakura sighed. "Fine." Sakura said.

Naruto turned back to you, grinning brightly. "Are you going, Misa?" he asked, hopefully.

You smiled and nodded. "Kane and Yui really wanted to go, so I agreed."

Naruto hugged you excitedly, and very tightly. "Awesome! I can't wait!" he shouted.

"N-Naru…to.. I.. Can't… b-breathe!" you barely choked out.  Naruto was hugging you way too tightly.

Naruto let go instantly. "Sorry!"

You smiled and continued to walk. Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke followed behind.

~Time skip, a few days later~

You and Naruto were walking, talking about random things, when you heard screaming. You looked ahead and saw a man in black, with cat ears, holding a kid. He was standing next to a girl with blonde hair pulled back in four.

They seemed familiar... Where did you see them before? 'That's it!' you thought, remembering back to your mission in Sunagakure. There was a red haired boy too… His name was Gaara, right?

You realized that the boy the guy in black was wearing was Konohamaru. The screaming was coming from Moegi, Udon, and Sakura, telling the man to put Konohamaru down. You and Naruto started running toward them all.

"Hey, you!! Put Konohamaru down now !" Naruto shouted, just as you both reached everybody.

The guy ignored you.

"Kankuro, put him down, he's watching," the girl next to him said.

He ignored her, too.

All of a sudden, a rock came flying through, aimed at Kankuro. He dodged it, dropped Konohamaru, who ran back to his friends as soon as he was realeased.

You turned around to see Sasuke tossing rocks to himself. You squinted your eyes at him. 'Rocks? Really? That's real mature…' you thought. Not that you could really say anything about being mature, though.

"Temari, Kankuro," you heard a deep voice say. You quickly turned your head to where it was coming from—There was a boy with red hair, standing upside down on a tree branch. It was the kid from Suna!

"Hey, you're that guy with the weird sand," you said., staring at him.

He glared at you. He jumped off of the branch, landing steady on his feet. He walked up to you, stopping only inches away, staring into your eyes. He was searching for any fear… But he found none. Nothing but confusion.

Naruto saw how close Gaara was to you, and jumped in between you both, pushing you back and standing with his back toward you. "What are you doing?! She's mine!" he shouted angrily. Naruto used to like Sakura, but she kept turning him down. Eventually, he met you, and he claims to have fallen in love with you.

You stood there, eyes wide open, completely confused. "…Huh? W-what just happened?" you asked. Last you knew, that cute red-head Gaara was in front of you—Now you are behind Naruto.

Gaara glared at Naruto, and growled. Gaara himself didn't know why he was so mad, but he felt very angry at the blonde. He didn't know whether it was because he got in his way, or because he called you his.

Sand started pouring out of the giant gourd on Gaara's back. With a wave of his arm, Gaara's sand shot toward Naruto, and wrapped around him tightly.

"Naruto!" you shouted, as he was thrown to the side. You ran toward him, kneeling by his side. He was bleeding, a lot. He landed on his head. Good thing you were a medical ninja! And a really good one, at that. A green light appeared, and you began to heal his injury.

Gaara growled quietly as he watched you healing the blonde. Why did it make him so angry?

You finished healing Naruto and looked at Gaara. "What the hell is wrong with you?! You could have killed him!" you shouted at him.

Gaara's eyes widened, so slightly that it was barely noticeable. He turned away quickly. "Temari, Kankuro, let's go," he said, walking off. His voice was deep, and smooth… You actually liked it, a lot.

Naruto sat up, rubbing his head. "Damn. What's wrong with him?" he said, watching the three Suna ninja walk away. "Why are they even here.."

You looked at Naruto. "The chunin exams are coming up, remember? They are being held here for all ninja. I bet that's why they're here."

"Oh~!" Naruto shouted. "Yeah, I remember now…" he said, standing up. He turned to you. "But remember… You're mine!" he shouted.

You stared at him, slightly shocked, but more on the annoyed side. "Oh, totally, babe," you said, sarcastically, putting a hand on his shoulder.

~Time skip, day before Chunin exams~

You were walking down the street with your teammates, Kane and Yui. You approached a large crowd. They were all ninja, from all around. The hokage wanted to announce something to all ninja participating in the Chunin exams.

You looked around at the crowd. 'Konohagakure, Sunagakure, Kirigakure, Kumogakure, Iwagakure… There are ninja from so many villages here…' you said, scanning everybody's different headbands throughout the crowd.

"Ninja," you head a voice say, loudly, causing you to snap your head forward. Lady Tsunade, the hokage, was standing ahead of the crowd. Attention turned towards her, and she continued to speak. "All the ninja here today will be participating in the Chunin exams tomorrow."

As the hokage spoke, you scanned all the headbands of the ninja around you. When you came to conclusion you have already seen ninja from every village, you looked back up to the hokage. Without realizing it, you missed over half of what she said. She was currently going on about some "larger groups"… Wait, what?

You began to listen carefully.

"And so, I will be pairing two random teams together until there are no teams left. We have only done this twice before, due to having uneven number of teams," the hokage spoke

You looked at your friend, and teammate, Yui. "Yu—What does she mean? Why is she pairing up teams, what's going on?" you asked quickly, panicking.

Yui looked at you confused. She pushed a few strands of her lavender-colored hair out of her face and behind her ears. She smiled slightly, and giggled. "You weren't paying attention? That's so like you…" she said, mockingly.

You just growled, and waited for her to explain what the hokage was speaking of.

Yui cleared her throat, letting her smile fade. She looked at you casually. "She said that she was going to be pairing two random teams, no matter the villages, together, for the Chunin exams. We are going to be teamed up, to make a group of 6, and work together in the exams," she explained.

You stared at her with wide, brown eyes. "Oh, god… Have they really done this before? That doesn't seem right…" you replied.

Yui nodded. "I heard the last time it happened was like 5 years ago," she replied, "I agree, it doesn't seem right… I just don't think it's fair! How do they expect us to get to know them in a day?!" she asked angrily.

You looked at your purple-haired-friend. "…I was thinking more of, they shouldn't expect us to work well with acquaintances… More like strangers, actually," you said.

Yui nodded in agreement.

After a few minutes of pointless chatter and rambling on from Yui and Kane, you felt something… Somebody shoved a piece of paper in your hands and walked off to give one to another group. You stared at the stranger as he traveled through the crowd, handing out slips to every group. You shrugged it off and looked at the sheet. It had a number on it. '14…' You stared at the piece of paper with a confused expression.

Kane snatched the paper from your hands. You responded with a glare.
Kane looked at the paper, front and back, only seeing the number '14' written on it. "So… Um… What is this? What is '14'?" he asked, very confused.

Yui giggled, taking the paper from the brown-haired boy and sticking her tongue out, smiling as she did so. "It's our number… I see you weren't listening the whole time, either," she said, sort of annoyed. "The hokage said that we are going to be paired up with another team—"

"Yeah, yeah, I know, get to the point, will ya?" Kane interrupted.

Yui growled, and moved on without hesitation. "—the number is supposed to match somebody else's. We have to find them, and we will be paired up with them for the exams," she finished.

Kane and you both nodded in response, letting Yui know you understood.

You all decided on waiting until most of the groups were paired, so you could easily find the team with matching number '14'.
You watched as teams disappeared, and listened as numbers were called.


Numbers called every second, and teams slowly disappeared.

"Misa~!" you heard a familiar voice sing. You turned slightly, to see who was calling you, when you were tackle-hugged by a blonde boy. 'Naruto…' you thought angrily as you were harshly pounded into the ground.

"…Naru—to?" you choked out, trying to pry the blonde boy off of you as you sat up.

He let go and leaned back, sitting on the ground in front of you, smiling like the idiot he was. He giggled and waved. "Misa~! What number did you get? Are we a team?!" Naruto asked excitedly, holding up a piece of paper with the number '15' on it.

You crawled over to Yui, and got on your knees. You looked up at her while kneeling. You grabbed the piece of paper that was in her hand, and tapped on her arm. The short girl looked down at you quickly. She blinked her purple eyes, confused. You began to tug at the piece of paper in her hand, and she looked down at her hand. She was holding onto it so tightly that you could mistake it for her very own life source.

She smiled sheepishly and let go. "Heh, sorry, Mi," she said giggling, beginning to grin.
You smirked. 'She is always so happy… How does she do it?' you wondered silently to yourself.

You smiled wide and thanked her as you walked back to Naruto on your knees. When you were about a foot in front of him, you stopped. He held up the page again, smiling, with hopeful blue eyes.

You looked down at the small page as you slid off of your knees into a sitting position. You looked at the number and looked back up at Naruto, holding out the page, turning it so the number faced the blonde. "14. Sorry, blondie," you said, slightly frowning. You really wanted to be on a team with him—he was one of your best friends, after all. And he was strong—almost as strong as you were.

Naruto frowned. He pulled out a pen and leaped forward, tackling you as he snatched the paper from your hand. You shrieked as you were, one again, pounded into the ground. Naruto slid off of you, and put the paper on the hard ground. You lifted the top half of your body up with your elbows and looked at him, confused. Your eyes slid down to the page… And a pen? He was writing on the paper. You watched as he attempted to change the '4' to a '5'.

You dropped your elbows and rolled toward Naruto. When you reached his side, you snatched away the piece of paper, causing it to tear a little from the pen. You checked the page. The tear made it harder to see Naruto's slight changes to the number.

"If you do that, it will leave two other teams with the wrong people as well, you know," you said as you stood up. You brushed some dirt off of your black skirt and tank top.

Naruto pouted as he stood up. "But we can't be in a team together, then…" he said sadly. You shrugged and sighed.

"Naruto!" you heard an angry voice call. You turned around to see a pink haired girl angrily stomping her way over to you. Each stomp left cracks in the ground…

"Oh, hey, Cotton Candy. That sure is a nice trail, but I don't think you'd get lost in your own village…" you said, pointing to the trail of cracks behind Sakura.

The pink girl stopped and turned her head, looking behind herself out of the corner of her eye. Her face tinted as pink as her hair. She turned back towards Naruto and you, and walked carefully over to the boy.

"Naruto…" Sakura began, angrily. "While you ran off to play with your imaginary girlfriend," she said, pointing to you, "Sasuke and I found our group, now come on. We're with Kiba, Hinata, and Shino," she said, grabbing his wrist and dragging him away, stomping again, leaving more cracks through the ground.

You giggled and waved at Naruto as he was being dragged away. He was reaching toward you, silently begging for you to help him.

You walked up to Yui and Kane. "What 'cha talking bout?" you asked, putting your arm around Yui's shoulders.

"Just the usual robbery, stealing babies, and manslaughter," Kane said, casually, while looking at you with a straight face.

You stared at him for a moment, then looked down toward Yui, who was staring at him with a look, showing she was obviously disturbed.
You whispered to Yui, just loud enough for Kane to hear, "Hey, Yu—You didn't give him drugs, right?"

Kane growled. "Hey! —if I had drugs, I'd have gotten them myself," he said jokingly.

You and Yui started laughing, followed by Kane's laugh.

"14," you heard a familiar, deep, smooth voice say. You and Yui quickly turned around, and Kane leaned to the side, looking past you. You all looked at a red-headed boy, with a blonde girl, and a boy with purple face paint behind him. The red-head was holding up a small sheet of paper with the number '14' written on it.

You looked at the paper in your hand, and then looked back up, making sure you read it right. You looked around, and realized no other teams remained. Some groups lingered around the area, but no three-man-teams were left, other than yours, and the one in front of you.

'What's his name again? It started with a G… Um… Gaara!' you thought.

You scanned the boy as you crumbled up the page and tossed it behind you. "Gaara, right? You were the one who smashed Naruto's head the other day," you said, glaring daggers at him.

Gaara dropped the paper on the ground and glared back at you, though not as harshly. For some reason, he couldn't feel mad at you, when usually he'd have killed anybody else by now.

Yui froze at your last statement. "…Smashed… Naruto?" she said, turning her head toward you.

'Uh oh…' you thought. Yui loved Naruto like a brother, and when she heard that somebody she loved was hurt, she won't give up on finding out how they were hurt. You knew that, and decided to just come out and tell her what happened, even though she would probably try to kill their new teammate.

You sighed. "Gaara," you said, pointing to the read-head, "threw Naruto, and he landed on his head, causing it to bleed a lot," you said, hoping that Yui wouldn't attack. Even though she looked short, thin, and weak, she was really strong and a great swordsman and fighter.

Yui snapped her head toward Gaara. She growled loud and deep. "Why the hell did you hurt Naruto, you bastard?! What the hell is wrong with you?!" she screamed angrily, pulling out her sword.

Gaara glared at her, and with one swift movement of his arm, sand started pouring out of his gourd. It shot quickly toward Yui, and she just stared, not knowing what he was doing.

"Yui!!" both you and screamed loudly.
You jumped in front of her, spreading your arms and legs, ready to take the hit to protect her best friend. You closed your eyes tightly as the sand grew nearer, estimating it would hit you in about 5 seconds time… But nothing happened. You stood with your eyes tightly shut for about 10 seconds, before you opened one. The sand was sitting still, only inches away. The sand trailed all the way from the gourd on the boy's back, stopping in front of you. The front of the long line of sand was shaped like a spike that could cut you any minute.

You waited for the sand to dart forward, but nothing happened. You looked up to see the red-haired Suna ninja with both of his hands up, and eyes slightly widened. After a few long— very long —minutes, the sand slowly retreated.

You wondered why he stopped. You looked at the two ninja behind him. Their eyes were nearly bulging out of their heads, and their jaws dropped to the floor.

"M—Mi?" you heard your tiny, purple friend say. "W-what just happened?" she asked you, confused.

Your eyes were wide open. Your arms dropped to your sides, and at the same time, you dropped to your knees. 'What did happen? I don't know myself, Yu…' you thought to yourself. You sat on your legs while kneeling, still trying to think. Why did he stop? Why didn't he attack you instead? Maybe it was because you didn't do anything. Maybe he didn't want to attack you because you didn't do anything to him.

"N-nothing…" you stuttered in a late response to Yui's question.

Yui sheathed her sword and knelt down beside you. "Mi? Are you okay?" she asked, her voice filled with concern.

You closed your eyes tightly and shook your head. When you opened your eyes you looked at Yui and grinned. "Yeah! I'm fine!" you said. 'It doesn't really matter why he didn't attack me instead… But I wonder why he looked like he was trying so hard to stop it from hitting me? So what if I didn't give him reason to hurt me? If he didn't try as hard, the most I'd get is a scratch, right? Whatever, it doesn't really matter.'

You stood up, and so did Yui. You looked at the Suna ninja in front of you. "Well, see you all at the exams tomorrow. I hope we can get along well," you said politely, while smiling. You bowed slightly, trying to hold back a laugh at the 'what-the-fuck' looks you were getting from the two ninja behind the red-headed boy.

Once you raised your head, the youngest of the Suna ninja, Gaara, who seemed to be their leader, gave you a curt nod. "Likewise," he said in that deep, smooth voice you seem to love so much. You smiled so wide your eyes looked like they were closed, and tilted your head. Pink tinted your cheeks. The boy in front of you raised a (nonexistent) eyebrow, smirking so slightly that you could barely tell. But still, you could.

You realized how you looked, and straightened from your head to your feet, forcing your smile away and your blush to recede. You cleared your throat and bowed curtly once more. "Uh—Good bye now!" you shouted, quickly turning away as soon as you raised your head. You started to walk off quickly—as quick as you could without running.

Yui and Kane followed after you.

Gaara watched as you walked off. He smiled, but it faded at the same time you did from his sight, and nobody saw his smile. 'Hn… I like that girl… She's… Brave. And she wasn't afraid of me at all,' the boy thought as he turned around. "Temari, Kankuro." Gaara said. When he received nods in response from his two older siblings, he led the way to the small hotel they were staying at.

Naruto Fanfiction Where Naruto Doesn't Go to the Chunin Exam


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